Wednesday, October 8, 2008

3. What is Christian Science?

Since this weblog handles Christian Science articles, means it is crucial to clarify what Christian Science means. Christian Science is confused with many organizations and denominations, which increases the importance of investigating the line that marks the meaning of this Science.

Christian Science is firstly Science—science in the sense of knowing. Secondly, this Science is Christian. The term Christian is nowadays mostly associated with Christian churches, those who worship in these churches, and their loving attitude. Yet, we need to trace it back to the root, namely, the appearance of the Christ as Jesus, the Messiah, the deliverer. He delivered those in captivity through Science. It is this Christian Science that explains his teachings and healings.

For anything to work with precision, repeatedly, and without failure, means there must be laws and rules behind it. Consequently, these laws and rules must stand upon a principle that explains why these laws are operating in a certain way. The works of the Christ overrule the laws of physics, medicine, meteorology and even theology. This means that there is a principle that overrules the principle of those sciences. And this principle is God, the Principle.

Knowing and understanding this Science is primary to all other human sciences. It is ignorance to deny this Science, since it is the only true science. According to the Reminiscences of Elizabeth Earl Jones, Dr. Albert Einstein would have said that Christian Science “is the pure science.” Indeed, the true meaning of Christian Science is the pure Science of all sciences. It is the first science, the Science of God. This Science explains God and its infinite manifestation. As with any science, the divine Science shows us the operation of cause and effect, the source and what follows naturally.

Mortal man, because he cannot see God through material eyes, thinks of God as covered in mystery, and as unexplainable. But this does not mean that God in essence is vague and unclear. God is entirely logic, clear and explainable, but this can be seen only from the spiritual view and awareness—from God’s view. This new view is attained as Saint Paul urges us to drop the old man, and to put on the new.

To study and understand the principle of a science, it is important to investigate it in the language in which it speaks. Chemistry speaks in the language of particles. Mathematics speaks in the language of numbers. Semantics speaks of symbols. Physics in the language of matter. Christian Science speaks in the language of spirituality, metaphysics. Therefore, we need to start looking for it in a different way than observing and calculating matter and its actions.

Again, we come to the need for a new, fresh start. A new base, a new approach, a new dependence, other than relying on what can be materially recorded. No material test will ever be able to capture the fullness of what is spiritual. This fresh start is the spiritual birth Jesus teaches: “Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” (John 3:5,6). A view or knowledge gained from material investigation is material. Understanding gained from the spiritual senses, is spiritual.

It is also interesting to have a look at the origin of the word science. Science comes from the Latin scire (to know), which is related to scindere (to separate, to distinguish). Therefore, knowing is strongly related with separating—separating what is correct from what is incorrect, and separating true knowing from false knowing. Knowing is the discernment of the chaff from the wheat; to distinguish what is originated in God from what is not. And so we need to separate the pure Science, from its counterfeit that is not based on the primary Principle, God.

And now we arrive at the most important point of Christian Science, its discoverer and founder: Mary Baker Eddy. She discovered the operation and existence of this Science and that it can be practiced at any time. It was not the Bible that told her; she received the Science through the spiritual birth. She learned the elements of the divine operation and the beautiful, yet lost, healing power that naturally follows the God Science. And this revelation unlocks the meaning of the Holy Scriptures.

So let us look at how Mary Baker Eddy defined Christian Science in Science and Health, With Key to the Scriptures (p.123:16-29):

“The term CHRISTIAN SCIENCE was introduced by the author to designate the scientific system of divine healing.

The revelation consists of two parts

1. The discovery of this divine Science of Mind-healing, through a spiritual sense of the Scriptures and through the teachings of the Comforter, as promised by the Master.

2. The proof, by present demonstration, that the so-called miracles of Jesus did not specially belong to a dispensation now ended, but that they illustrated an ever-operative divine Principle. The operation of this Principle indicates the eternality of the scientific order and continuity of being.”

There! We are presented the teachings of the Comforter, showing us the Science of God. We might start looking at things differently because of it. We will not start jumping out of buildings irrationally, though. What we do is based on what we learn spiritually. And we take it gently. I encourage you to search for the rules of divinity. They do not need to be complicated. It must be simple and evident, because it means we understand and accept. However, it needs to be deducted only from what is spiritual, and it must be done honestly and for good. That is the main requirement.

So what is God? What is the God that is pure Life, Truth and love? What are His/Her/Its rules? What ways does pure Love move? What constitutes eternal Life? Is it limited by death? Is absolute Truth tolerant to lies? Are spiritual ideas bound to time and space? I dare you with a smile to investigate for yourself…

the Hanna

To those who are new to Christian Science and who would like to find out more about it are recommended to read ‘Science and Health, With Key to the Scriptures’ by Mary Baker Eddy. It can be found online or it can be ordered from The Bookmark or other online publishers. Make sure to get the 1910 edition. The book has been republished and reprinted after 1910, unfortunately with some changes that were not authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. The book has been translated in many languages. If you wish to find a translated version you can find it online or at a Christian Science Reading Room nearby. Yet, one needs to know that the translated versions are usually based on the republished book after the 1910 edition. For more information, please feel free to contact me by e-mail: