Friday, November 14, 2008

5. Perceiving God: Believing or Knowing?

My deepest desire is to find the pure meaning of God, as taught by Christ. There is not a day that I do not think of God and what it truly means. However, when people ask me if I believe in God, I cannot answer affirmative. The reason for this is the limitation and wrong concept that the question entails. The question asks me if I believe in a limited view of God. The God that is asked about is not in accord with how I have come to see God. The premise that makes someone ask, is not the one my understanding of God is based upon. And so the answer is ‘no, I do not believe in God.’

God is to me another synonym for truth, absolute truth, the Truth. Has anyone ever asked me if I believe in Truth? No. The question sounds pretty odd. Knowing, rather than believing is applicable to Truth. Truth is true, regardless what we believe or know. But only when we know it, we can see it for what it truly is. To believe something to be true means we do not really know it is true. To believe something is not the same as knowing a fact. Truth can only be perceived in knowing, not in believing. And so it does with God. God can only be perceived in knowing, not in believing—that is, if one accepts and comes to understand God as synonymous with Truth.

‘To believe in God’ has been the general accepted form to talk about God. Why do many see God as something we can only believe in? Mainly, because God is Spirit and cannot be seen by the senses. If God was material, you could point out to a place or shape, and say: ‘This is God.’ Everyone could see it, and there would be no confusion about it—or so we think. Since God is not material but incorporeal, it is generally thought God can only be felt somehow, or believed in.

But why would it be impossible to perceive of something incorporeal and spiritual that we can know instead of believe? Every new invention came forth from an idea. We cannot grab ideas with our hands, yet they prove to be pretty useful and practical to us. The same with numbers: they can be drawn or carved out of wood, but their ideas are immaterial. The understanding how to use numbers enables us to calculate bridges and to count the sheep. And so it is with love. One can show love, give a hug, and give a symbolic flower to a friend, but the love itself is never a material thing. Yet, we know love and we all need it. We also recognize the concept and importance of good, without pinning it down to a material object. We know that good is unselfish and honest. Moreover, we know honesty is more valuable than dishonesty. These examples of immaterial ideas are known to us without needing material senses to track them. Our spiritual senses give us the proof of spiritual existence and operation. Belief takes no role in it.

If belief will not teach us more about spiritual operation, it does not mean there is no hope or faith involved in the process. Hope and faith encourage us to move forward and upward. They are incentives that guide us in realizing the effortless spiritual knowing that we have within our reach. Hope and faith are footsteps to understanding. Blind believing is not. We do not close our eyes before we jump and hope we will land safely. We use the senses to perceive a safe landing.

Spiritual knowing also results in a natural trust. To know how to calculate a bridge with the right materials, gives us the trust to do so, and enables us to walk on that bridge without fear. On the other hand, to build a bridge without any understanding of the materials, the constructional principles and gravitational forces is foolish, and any trust from it is unfounded. To give your life to a God you believe in without understanding God and without comprehending the divine work, is not a founded approach—regardless the beauty of its motives.

Knowing God also takes out the mystery of it. To clad God with mystery and vagueness is no advanced approach. To say that God cannot be scientifically known or understood and can only be believed, is limiting any possibility of progress in learning and knowing God. Instead of progress, such vagueness is a breeding place for error in the so-called name of God. Darkness and ignorance allows abuse to slip in. Today, many terrors and errors are committed for what some call God. Some of these errors are visible to some, but many are hidden. Mystery and darkness is a perfect hiding place for error. That is why we need to take away that mystery and mist about something so beautiful and eternal, that we may call God. Take out complexity, and we find what is simple and natural. Take out the darkening sense of mysticism, and we find spiritual light. Take out error, and lies, and we find Truth. Take out belief and mystery, and we find Science—the knowing of God. Take off the veil, and we see the face of God.

Having said that error is often hidden, let us remember that Truth is existence, and that error and lies are non-existence. Error, lies, can only seem true in belief. Truth is true in understanding. Error is the denial and ignorance of Truth. Only understanding can reveal us how to make distinction between error and Truth. Yet, in the mist of ignorance, lies are more easily accepted; it does not need understanding.

The Bible states Jesus saying: “And ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free” (John 8:32). It does not say: ‘Ye shall believe the Truth, and the belief shall set you free.’ This could not work. Beliefs keep us captive and limited. Only the understanding in Truth can unlock us of these imprisoning beliefs. But, because of belief’s hidden nature, it is often not seen. It is not just chains and locks that keep in or out. It is the belief that feeds the resistance to Truth that keeps us in the realm of belief and limitation.

Freedom is not found in your exercise of whatever we wish to do at our own likings, possibly at someone else’s expense. Freedom is found in Truth, as the Master teaches us. Belief limits us from our true capacity. Knowing Truth shows us infinite possibilities—and it is right at hand, for the “Kingdom of God is at hand” (Mark 1:14). So the Kingdom of God is not a material state or a sentimental experience we grab with our hands. It is knowing the Truth that is ever available and ever present. Even when our hands are locked in chains, deliverance by Truth is within our reach.

Is Truth cold to some? It is not found cold when Truth is properly understood. Truth is unbendable; you cannot fool it. And yet, it is also Love because Truth is constructive. Truth blesses all. Lies, error and dishonesty, the antidotes of Truth, are ingredients for deceit and corruption, which bare no resemblance with Love. Love, or good, cannot be separated from something constructive as Truth.

Mary Baker Eddy describes God as “Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love” (S&H 465). All these are synonyms for God. So God is as much Truth and Love, as it is Principle, or Soul. The depth of these synonyms declare that each one of these synonyms is equally God. That is why the study of these synonyms can help us to gain a clearer perception of God.

And so with every advancing step we take, we take it not to believe more in God, but to gain a higher understanding of God. Understanding goes together with our perception of God. We understand in the degree that we perceive the true God, Truth. That is why I cannot answer within the question if I believe in God or not. I strive to seek God. But the seeking is not added by arousing sentimental feelings and beliefs around the word God. The seeking is a constant prayer to do good and to know God.

Mary Baker Eddy sums it all up in the following question: “What is the difference between belief and understanding?” She answers: “Belief is a decision made from reasoning in material things. May be a false conclusion. Understanding is a demonstrable knowledge obtained from a clear perception of the real and eternal. ‘Now we see through a glass darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; then shall I know even as also I am known’” (DCC 214).

the Hanna

S&H: ‘
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures’ by Mary Baker Eddy.
DCC: ‘Divinity Course and General Collectanea of Items by and about Mary Baker Eddy’ compiled by Richard F. Oakes.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

3. What is Christian Science?

Since this weblog handles Christian Science articles, means it is crucial to clarify what Christian Science means. Christian Science is confused with many organizations and denominations, which increases the importance of investigating the line that marks the meaning of this Science.

Christian Science is firstly Science—science in the sense of knowing. Secondly, this Science is Christian. The term Christian is nowadays mostly associated with Christian churches, those who worship in these churches, and their loving attitude. Yet, we need to trace it back to the root, namely, the appearance of the Christ as Jesus, the Messiah, the deliverer. He delivered those in captivity through Science. It is this Christian Science that explains his teachings and healings.

For anything to work with precision, repeatedly, and without failure, means there must be laws and rules behind it. Consequently, these laws and rules must stand upon a principle that explains why these laws are operating in a certain way. The works of the Christ overrule the laws of physics, medicine, meteorology and even theology. This means that there is a principle that overrules the principle of those sciences. And this principle is God, the Principle.

Knowing and understanding this Science is primary to all other human sciences. It is ignorance to deny this Science, since it is the only true science. According to the Reminiscences of Elizabeth Earl Jones, Dr. Albert Einstein would have said that Christian Science “is the pure science.” Indeed, the true meaning of Christian Science is the pure Science of all sciences. It is the first science, the Science of God. This Science explains God and its infinite manifestation. As with any science, the divine Science shows us the operation of cause and effect, the source and what follows naturally.

Mortal man, because he cannot see God through material eyes, thinks of God as covered in mystery, and as unexplainable. But this does not mean that God in essence is vague and unclear. God is entirely logic, clear and explainable, but this can be seen only from the spiritual view and awareness—from God’s view. This new view is attained as Saint Paul urges us to drop the old man, and to put on the new.

To study and understand the principle of a science, it is important to investigate it in the language in which it speaks. Chemistry speaks in the language of particles. Mathematics speaks in the language of numbers. Semantics speaks of symbols. Physics in the language of matter. Christian Science speaks in the language of spirituality, metaphysics. Therefore, we need to start looking for it in a different way than observing and calculating matter and its actions.

Again, we come to the need for a new, fresh start. A new base, a new approach, a new dependence, other than relying on what can be materially recorded. No material test will ever be able to capture the fullness of what is spiritual. This fresh start is the spiritual birth Jesus teaches: “Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” (John 3:5,6). A view or knowledge gained from material investigation is material. Understanding gained from the spiritual senses, is spiritual.

It is also interesting to have a look at the origin of the word science. Science comes from the Latin scire (to know), which is related to scindere (to separate, to distinguish). Therefore, knowing is strongly related with separating—separating what is correct from what is incorrect, and separating true knowing from false knowing. Knowing is the discernment of the chaff from the wheat; to distinguish what is originated in God from what is not. And so we need to separate the pure Science, from its counterfeit that is not based on the primary Principle, God.

And now we arrive at the most important point of Christian Science, its discoverer and founder: Mary Baker Eddy. She discovered the operation and existence of this Science and that it can be practiced at any time. It was not the Bible that told her; she received the Science through the spiritual birth. She learned the elements of the divine operation and the beautiful, yet lost, healing power that naturally follows the God Science. And this revelation unlocks the meaning of the Holy Scriptures.

So let us look at how Mary Baker Eddy defined Christian Science in Science and Health, With Key to the Scriptures (p.123:16-29):

“The term CHRISTIAN SCIENCE was introduced by the author to designate the scientific system of divine healing.

The revelation consists of two parts

1. The discovery of this divine Science of Mind-healing, through a spiritual sense of the Scriptures and through the teachings of the Comforter, as promised by the Master.

2. The proof, by present demonstration, that the so-called miracles of Jesus did not specially belong to a dispensation now ended, but that they illustrated an ever-operative divine Principle. The operation of this Principle indicates the eternality of the scientific order and continuity of being.”

There! We are presented the teachings of the Comforter, showing us the Science of God. We might start looking at things differently because of it. We will not start jumping out of buildings irrationally, though. What we do is based on what we learn spiritually. And we take it gently. I encourage you to search for the rules of divinity. They do not need to be complicated. It must be simple and evident, because it means we understand and accept. However, it needs to be deducted only from what is spiritual, and it must be done honestly and for good. That is the main requirement.

So what is God? What is the God that is pure Life, Truth and love? What are His/Her/Its rules? What ways does pure Love move? What constitutes eternal Life? Is it limited by death? Is absolute Truth tolerant to lies? Are spiritual ideas bound to time and space? I dare you with a smile to investigate for yourself…

the Hanna

To those who are new to Christian Science and who would like to find out more about it are recommended to read ‘Science and Health, With Key to the Scriptures’ by Mary Baker Eddy. It can be found online or it can be ordered from The Bookmark or other online publishers. Make sure to get the 1910 edition. The book has been republished and reprinted after 1910, unfortunately with some changes that were not authorized by Mary Baker Eddy. The book has been translated in many languages. If you wish to find a translated version you can find it online or at a Christian Science Reading Room nearby. Yet, one needs to know that the translated versions are usually based on the republished book after the 1910 edition. For more information, please feel free to contact me by e-mail:

Monday, September 29, 2008

2. The Promise of Progress

Progress has always been part of humanity. It is an important part of evolution. There is progress in how we developed from insects into human beings, according to Darwin’s theories. And we find progress in the way we move and think in and of the world. Our tools have much improved from spears and rocks to laptops and i-pods. And with it, also thought has changed. The way we think and see things around us is very different now. Values and norms have transformed. Our concept of the world goes not untouched when a person on the other side of the world is only one click away, or when we are informed about every place in the world through a little electronic screen. Distances have changed because you can step in a plane, leave a cold winter, and arrive in a tropical place a few hours later. It undoubtedly influences on how we perceive the world.

The progress in our history books is usually written down as inventions, new methods or discoveries. Inventions of new tools which leads us into new methods and approaches. And discoveries of new places on the earth, new planets, new plants and animals, or even discoveries of extinct creatures or lost worlds. These new inventions, methods and discoveries result in new lifestyles, new ideas. The woman found a new freedom when the first household tools were sold, releasing her of some of the labor she had to do in the house, enabling her to do other work. Or when the discovery of a round earth was generally accepted, it inspired travelers to sail new routes and to explore the world for unknown lands. The fear of the sea and to fall off the earth had gone. Another freedom was attained.

But even though they resulted in new experiences, the appearing of these inventions and discoveries came firstly through new ideas. Many new tools were described and portrayed in books and films, before they were ever made. After the initial idea, came the elements to make it. The wheel would have not been invented without a need for better transportation. We would not have airplanes if man would not have dreamt to fly like the birds. It is the desire that opens up the possibility.

What it takes, is to ‘think outside the box’. The box is the whole set of rules and limitations that we entertain. It is a collection of the general thought telling us what is possible and impossible. They are traditions of our thoughts in which we get stuck. Few dare to take a peak out of it and live differently. Thought that does not fit inside the box thought is attacked and opposed strongly. To think and live differently has no place in the box. This box changes as the progress pushes us to think and live differently. What is accepted now, was not accepted before.

So we learn that progress comes first through ideas of those individuals who are able to step out of the accepted ways they live in. The new ideas are not easily accepted. New inventions or discoveries are at first often opposed with fear, and unbelief. It is considered a threat to the box thought. One needs to redefine what has been found ‘normal.’ Only after a few generations the new ideas are entirely accepted, and they become part of the general human experience. Once the new ideas are accepted, the earlier way of living is found primitive and in some occasions even barbaric. Think of the medical treatments that were used in the Middle Ages. No one today would like to receive a treatment from those days. It is generally accepted that electrocution is not the best way to treat mental illness, for example. Or how funny is it to us to think of a flat earth? And why would white people be entitled to own a colored man as a slave? It is hard for us to understand how the old ideas were considered normal and how new ideas could have been resisted strongly.

After looking at many examples of progress of the past, let us look at what is to come. Our box of limited thinking will be challenged too. Futures generations will have different understanding of what we consider to be normal now. Our ways and experiences will be considered primitive and even barbaric. Dare we consider that possibility?

Be assured, progress is not a possibility, it is a promise. For as long as we find ourselves in disharmony we will keep looking for improvement. New ideas will keep coming up, challenging our thoughts and lives. Progress will keep pressing us to move forward and upward.

While moving forward and upward, where will all the progress lead us to? What is the final point one can achieve, if there is a final moment at all? This eternal changing and moving would make us wonder if there could be a moment without progress. But there must be that moment, because we can hold now the idea of perfection and harmony. The idea, and the desire inspire us to move on gently. What we know now can hold pieces of beauty and harmony. Yet, complete and absolute perfection seem impossible to us now, which brings us to think it cannot be found. But let us remember that impossibility is part of the earlier described ‘box thinking.’

If absolute perfection and harmony cannot found in a box, where can it be found then? In God and God only. Perfection is only possible if God is. Only God can represent true perfection and everlasting harmony. God does not progress. God needs no improvement. God is unchangingly itself. This means that progress to higher views is not creating or improving something we call god. Progress is only in the human experience, the revelation of God, the unchanging Truth. It is the veil lifting up in front of our eyes, showing the spiritual reality of things. Nothing new gets ever created or invented. It is the same thing overturning and overturning in our consciousness, getting defined more clearly and correctly, until what is left is God and what God expresses only. “I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him” (Ezek. 21:27).

Let us therefore take this gentle journey that redefines and reveals to us true perfection. Let us shift our base to the endpoint, that stable treasure. Then the storm of change and progress will not fear us. Then we can open our eyes and hearts to the promise we are yet to receive. Our view today towards the summit of our journey is described in I John 3: “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.” This will be the final stage of the ultimate progress. We do not yet know what it shall be like, but what we do know, is that we will be like him and we will see him as he truly is. This is nothing to fear about. We can rejoice in this promise. It holds ultimate liberation and eternal harmony revealed unto us, as it is. But it will not be revealed until we are ready for it.

As Love,
the Hanna

Saturday, September 20, 2008

1. The Aim for this Blog

What is the aim for starting this blog? I am starting this blog to find and be as Love. It is Love that prevails all error and hate. It is Love that comes from true wisdom. It is accurate, honest, and shows us the harmony of the heavens as available to us right now.

Everyone searches for harmony. Even a burglar does: he thinks he can add more harmony to his own world by stealing from others. It is his misunderstanding of true Love and harmony that allows him to take actions that seem to benefit himself, and seem to hurt or disappoint others. It is his misconception of Love, that makes him think goods and money are more important than honesty. His concept of love is limited, and it results in the decisions he makes. His human sense of love is a love for his own material comfort. Yet, this is the negation of true Love.

If now this same man would realize the true nature of God and man, and the true elements that shape the universe, he would not work from misunderstanding, but from understanding. His actions would change instantly, without any forced effort and hard disciplined will power. He would find himself free, in a world he thought was cold and limited. And his new actions would not leave him poor.

Understanding Love changes how we perceive the world. It destroys suffering, it lifts up the morality, and shows us a realm free from human limitation in a safe and stable environment. Harmony is what we all look for. Even for those who are stuck in addictions, those who are depressed, or those who are making the streets unsafe. The world as we know it now is operating from the desire for harmony. When ill, we search to regain health. When in great loss, we try to replace the loss. No one can escape the desire for harmony. Many have given up hope to find harmony. Rebellion and optimism for improvement are usually changed for the realization that life simply cannot offer us the harmony and contentment we look for. As a result, we accept it and settle for less or some even consider to give up life as they know it.

It is good to have a desire for harmony. If we give it up, we miss out on something that transcends misery and disappointments. It is not Love that gives us suffering, but it is the false belief of love that results in suffering. Again, it is the understanding of Love that destroys any of the worlds false beliefs of love. It is the misunderstanding of Life and of being, that needs to be replaced by the right and truthful concept of Life and being. Once we start realizing this, and aim only to do it for good and harmony, our perception and experience of Life and Love will change.

Many times have I found relief and even great joy, when suffering seemed to prevail. Many times was limitation replaced by a better understanding of unlimited Life and Love. Such newfound understanding does not leave me in a situation where I become careless or in danger of foolhardiness. Working to find the satisfying living water is not a floating fantasy world. It is the most secure and stable place to build upon. It is found in the spiritual realm, as soon as we are willing to let go of material concepts and beliefs. And this change must happen gradually. It is not wise to drop all at once, unless we already have nothing left to hold on. We do not forcingly drop unless we understand why. It is Love and our increasing understanding of Love that will guide us in the journey. Gently, we move and rise up higher.

With this blog I want to share and show the lights I have found in this journey. It is with a constant care that I work solely to gain the highest insight. I look for pure Love and Truth as it is, not for what I want it to be, free from human opinion. This individual journey is free from the influence of human organization, movement or church.

The teachings and works of Jesus, the Christ, and Mary Baker Eddy are pivotal in this journey. ‘The way is straight and narrow.’ The marriage of both teachers, show us the full revelation in finding and understanding Truth, Life and Love.

I hope you will enjoy this blog and gain from it as much as I do, so that the gentle presence may guide us to higher views, leaving us fulfilled instead of disappointed.

My only Love,
the Hanna