Saturday, September 20, 2008

1. The Aim for this Blog

What is the aim for starting this blog? I am starting this blog to find and be as Love. It is Love that prevails all error and hate. It is Love that comes from true wisdom. It is accurate, honest, and shows us the harmony of the heavens as available to us right now.

Everyone searches for harmony. Even a burglar does: he thinks he can add more harmony to his own world by stealing from others. It is his misunderstanding of true Love and harmony that allows him to take actions that seem to benefit himself, and seem to hurt or disappoint others. It is his misconception of Love, that makes him think goods and money are more important than honesty. His concept of love is limited, and it results in the decisions he makes. His human sense of love is a love for his own material comfort. Yet, this is the negation of true Love.

If now this same man would realize the true nature of God and man, and the true elements that shape the universe, he would not work from misunderstanding, but from understanding. His actions would change instantly, without any forced effort and hard disciplined will power. He would find himself free, in a world he thought was cold and limited. And his new actions would not leave him poor.

Understanding Love changes how we perceive the world. It destroys suffering, it lifts up the morality, and shows us a realm free from human limitation in a safe and stable environment. Harmony is what we all look for. Even for those who are stuck in addictions, those who are depressed, or those who are making the streets unsafe. The world as we know it now is operating from the desire for harmony. When ill, we search to regain health. When in great loss, we try to replace the loss. No one can escape the desire for harmony. Many have given up hope to find harmony. Rebellion and optimism for improvement are usually changed for the realization that life simply cannot offer us the harmony and contentment we look for. As a result, we accept it and settle for less or some even consider to give up life as they know it.

It is good to have a desire for harmony. If we give it up, we miss out on something that transcends misery and disappointments. It is not Love that gives us suffering, but it is the false belief of love that results in suffering. Again, it is the understanding of Love that destroys any of the worlds false beliefs of love. It is the misunderstanding of Life and of being, that needs to be replaced by the right and truthful concept of Life and being. Once we start realizing this, and aim only to do it for good and harmony, our perception and experience of Life and Love will change.

Many times have I found relief and even great joy, when suffering seemed to prevail. Many times was limitation replaced by a better understanding of unlimited Life and Love. Such newfound understanding does not leave me in a situation where I become careless or in danger of foolhardiness. Working to find the satisfying living water is not a floating fantasy world. It is the most secure and stable place to build upon. It is found in the spiritual realm, as soon as we are willing to let go of material concepts and beliefs. And this change must happen gradually. It is not wise to drop all at once, unless we already have nothing left to hold on. We do not forcingly drop unless we understand why. It is Love and our increasing understanding of Love that will guide us in the journey. Gently, we move and rise up higher.

With this blog I want to share and show the lights I have found in this journey. It is with a constant care that I work solely to gain the highest insight. I look for pure Love and Truth as it is, not for what I want it to be, free from human opinion. This individual journey is free from the influence of human organization, movement or church.

The teachings and works of Jesus, the Christ, and Mary Baker Eddy are pivotal in this journey. ‘The way is straight and narrow.’ The marriage of both teachers, show us the full revelation in finding and understanding Truth, Life and Love.

I hope you will enjoy this blog and gain from it as much as I do, so that the gentle presence may guide us to higher views, leaving us fulfilled instead of disappointed.

My only Love,
the Hanna


Unknown said...

I look forward to reading more, the Hanna. About true Love. All the places where you find it. And yes, also practical tips on the spiritual life - I'm only human ;-) All your big and small adventures.

I enjoyed this piece. Thank you, my dear friend.


Anonymous said...

This is a very heartfelt message
and the Spirit of Love accompanies
the words. Thanks to the Hanna.

the Hanna said...

Thank you ann-marie and christine for your kind replies.
And yes, Love is both spiritual, elevating and practical. So please join me in this beautiful adventure. And leave your comments as much as you like. :-)

the Hanna